Nationale Nederlanden Investment Partners

Development of design principles and design systems for a customer service portal while stretching the brand guidelines

Sketch ∙ Principle ∙ Keynote


NNIP had started the development of a customer service portal 2 years prior to the start of our team. Our goal was to challenge their first design efforts on the portal and to find out how we could serve NNIP’s clients. By understanding their needs we could create a product that would be valuable for NNIP’s clients (investors) as well as NNIP itself (employees, relation managers for example).

Direct contributions

  • Style explorations

  • UI design of the onboarding flow for new clients

  • Redesign dashboard along with navigation and patterns

  • UI design Fund overview, Fund detail, Document store/management, Setting- page

  • Design principles

  • Concept illustrations for internal purposes

  • Handover to development team

Design Principles

I use design principles as goals as wel as metrics, they guide my design process and help me make decisions. I allow them to guide me because design principles are always result of user needs combined with brand and product vision.

The principles



Show relevant information to the user. Learn what user it is and provide higher visibility to what’s likely to be relevant to him/her than what is less likely to be relevant.


In addition to ‘relevant’ let the user steer in direction by giving him/her the chance to supply us with input of their interests.

Human connections

My NNIP is an environment where users work together with our NNIP staff. This is no one-way. Make users aware of the personal connections with NNIP staff.



By focussing on the tasks we like to enhance the ease of use. Using smart visual hierarchy we can create focus and velocity for the user in order to get done what they have to get done.


In addition to ‘relevant’ let the user steer in direction by giving him/her the chance to supply us with input of their interests.


My NNIP is a secure environment to work. Therefore we should communicate clearly about its safety (measurements) and anticipate on the users feeling of being secure and confident to gain trust.

One source of truth


With one glance the user should be up-to-date about what is new and relevant for him. Real time update, notification and animations could give the user the feeling of being up-to-date.

Shared workspace

My NNIP is a shared workspace where NNIP staff with their clients work together. The environment should facilitated as if it where a psychic table where people are working together. Transparent, open en structured.


Shared Workspace

Client vs employee dashboard structure

Navigation Pattern

3 Layer depth


A fourth layer for task driven flows

Menu behaviour

Different states for different uses

Get in touch

The UX landscape changes fast, contact me to view my latest work




European Money Market Institute